About Us

Who we Are

Get to know your coaches:

Mike Wilson CSCS, USTFCCCA, Level 2 USATF

Mike brings a passion for competition, endurance sports, and a deep understanding of the unique demands faced by collegiate athletes and beyond. Mike's impressive coaching profile, enriched by his extensive certifications, is a testament to his commitment to excellence. With over a decade of coaching experience, he has successfully guided numerous individuals to achieve their personal bests and reach national levels. By fostering a culture of dedication, discipline, and resilience, Mike aims to empower his athletes to push beyond their limits, embrace challenges, and cultivate a growth mindset. With extensive knowledge in creating strength training programs for all types of runners, Mike strives to provide a comprehensive support system for each athlete under his guidance. Whether it's achieving championship glory, reaching personal milestones, or simply enjoying the journey, his goal as a coach is to instill lifelong lessons in his athletes and help them unlock their true potential.

Rusty Batykefer PT, DPT

Rusty brings a discipline and understanding of what it is like to compete at a high level while balancing life. He obtained his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from George Fox University after completing his exercise science degree at Eastern University. During the pursuit of his degrees, Rusty demonstrated a remarkable ability to successfully juggle the rigorous demands of his studies while actively excelling in high-level competitions. With his extensive knowledge in biomechanics, injury prevention strategies, strength training principles, and physical therapy, Rusty has the tools to successfully guide and support runners of all levels. Rusty’s goal is to create a personal relationship with you that will lead to athletic, personal, and spiritual development into who God created you to be.

Our approach

In one word, personalization. We do not create one-size-fits-all training programs. We build training for you - all the way down to the specifics of running workouts and strength training agendas. We want to understand who you are, why you have your goals, and what you are hoping to achieve.

We believe we are best for those who understand the grit and determination required to chase down big goals. Personal character dictates how athletes train, which directly affects our end results. Because of this, we are intentional about taking a character-driven approach in our builds. We want you to truly enjoy your running journey and working with our team of coaches along the way! 

Fast Facts:

  1. Rusty’s favorite running event is the 800m although the endurance events have grown on him.

  2. Mike has run 4 marathons and 10 half marathons. Favorite races are the 13.1 or the 5K, though he wishes he had the speed to be a legit miler. “I’m not fast” but I like to watch other people run fast.

  3. Rusty, loves tacos… so much so that he has eaten 24 tacos in 27 minutes.

  4. Mike is an avid fan and consumer of Dunkin Donuts coffee. Though he will settle for Dutch while on the west coast. He also frequents any local coffee shop including his Oregon favorite, Chaptets Books and Coffee.

  5. Rusty’s favorite racing memory comes from his conference meet of junior year at Eastern University. During the last event of the meet, the men’s 4x400m relay, he was able to help his team secure enough points to take an unexpected second place in overall team scoring.

  6. Mike has coached for 15 years at the high school, D3 and D1 levels. Favorite memories always come from watching athletes achieve things they never thought possible and from team trips and shared travel experiences.

Our Why

We created this company because of our deep passion for the sport, desire to see others grow and our purpose to glorify God through our work. We believe that God has given us a specific gift in our understanding of training and the body to help others develop athletically. With this, our desire is to go beyond just training to help others grow in their steadfastness to become virtuous people in today’s culture.

Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4

Our Logo

The SteadFast Performance and Rehab logo was inspired by the winged shoe of the Greek god Mercury, a famous symbol for cross country running, as well as the blazing flame of the Olympic Torch.

This imagery not only represents the elite quality of SteadFast’s services, but it’s unwavering mission of using athletics as a messenger for the kingdom.

Want to learn more about our personalized training?

“Success is not achieved overnight, but through consistently doing the little things well every day.”

— Coach Mike